TrousselierTrousselier Musical Cube Box Horse Children Memories Jeanne Lagrade
Magic: Turn the crank and the figurine comes to life as if by magic to the sound of music! Possibility to store "treasures" in the drawers!
Ideal from birth: This musical box set will look great in a child's bedroom. An original and poetic birth gift!
Child's awakening: introduce your little ones to classical music with its soft lullaby.
Timeless gift: a music box is a timeless object that that is carefully kept as a symbol of childhood.
Enchanting brand: enter trousselier's magical world: Music boxes, jewelry boxes, nightlights, soft toys, musical mobiles, rattles. That will rock your little ones' childhood.
Trousselier - Jeanne Lagarde© Horse - Children Memory - Musical Box - Ideal Children's Gift - Music Serenade by Schubert - Multicolor
Wan Chai
Causeway Bay
Repulse Bay
Tsim Sha Tsui - K11 MUSEA
Tsim Sha Tsui - Harbour City